photo by J.Jones

photo by Mike Waddell


AsGoodAsMine_Collective creates interactive experiences that merge art and community through conceptualization, creative design and site specific installations in conventional and unexpected locations. The Collective is made up of an affiliation of artists that come together, pull in other talent and collaborate to create unique expressions. We utilize performance, photography, moving images, dance, textiles and interpret them into maker events, interactive installations and public art events. Let's do a project. Get in touch at asgoodasminecollective@gmail.com

Ordinary to Extrodinary
Inspired by the global use of flower headdress, members of the collective began creating headdresses during maker events and the project evolved to an interactive, public portrait event curated through social media. The project is titled as a challenge the concept of putting women and religion in competition with each other. Events are spontaneous, transformative and high energy. The project seeks to bring people together and promote ideas of connection and empowerment. At #YourGoddessIsAsGoodAsMine events we bring flower crowns, robes, a pop-up photo studio and lots of selfie sticks. Then with our help, people briefly transform themselves for a portrait and/or selfie. All the photos are tagged and curated on Instagram through the hashtag. In collaboration with photographer Mike Waddell and other artists, the collective has held 3 pop up "Goddess" events. Over 80 photos are currently posted through with the hashtag on Instagram and Facebook.

Immersive Experience in Performance and Visual Art
The I Fell Gallery to hosted the opening of “Spiral” created by artists Amy Burrell and J Jones. The installation project merged formats and transformed the I Fell Gallery into an immersive, interactive art experience using video projections, photography, textiles and performance art. The show’s imagery was originally created during travels to sacred and ancient places in Ireland.

Community Global Fashion Exchange
Head wraps and scarves are a global commonality among people of many cultures.
Solidarity Wrap brings people to together to share methods and styles of wrapping,
help each other create wraps, and then take selfies and portraits that can be shared through social media. If you or someone you know would like to get involved by sharing methods
of wrapping, loaning textiles, or volunteering!

An Installation of Song, Spectacle and Performance
Direction & Choreography by Selene Carter
Design by Amy Beth Burrell
Voces Novae Chamber Choir, Bloomington, Indiana
Directed by Susan Swaney
Songs by Malcolm Dalglish set to the poetry of Wendell Berry
AsaBela Studio Aerial Dance- Erica Bexell, Danielle O'Donnol, Allison Josephine and Isla Dora
Imagery by J.Jones
Sponsors: Indiana Arts Commission, as a Centennial Celebration of Indiana’s State Parks.